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Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players
  • Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players
  • Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players
  • Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players
  • Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players
  • Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players
  • Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players
  • Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players

Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Magnet Party Game, 3+ Players

$22.79  $9.00
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Add in our brand new Expansion Pack for nearly 200 more prompts, 120+ wild word manet additions, and 4 extra trays to expand the ame to 10 players!

Why "Ransom Notes?" We love the look and feel of classic ransom notes and how the word manets in the ame replicate it. Once you create a submission, you have somethin that looks and sounds like a ransom note.
Ransom Notes - The Ridiculous Word Manet Party ame! For 3-6 players or roup play! The ame of hilariously terrible sentences! Players use word manets to respond to outlandish prompts like "Tell someone you’ve clo their toilet at a party" with just their limit pool of words.
Make the best answer to an outraeous prompt... but you can only use your own pool of word manets!
Each ame includes:

Easy to play! Learn to play in under one minute, and even the sht players will be creatin lauh-out-loud word manet responses riht away. Just take a few handfuls of word manets, flip over a prompt card, and start playin - no lon instructions to explain!

Hours of fun! While the ame is made for 3-6 players, it’s equally hilarious when larer roups team up toether. 30-90 min play time. With 250 absurd prompt cards and a new pool of words every time, this party ame has infinite hilarious combinations and feels fresh every time you play
Infinite possibilis!

Hilariously unique every time. With 250 absurd prompt cards and a different pool of word manets every time, players end up creatin an infinite variety of terribly awesome sentences.
Learn to play in one minute. Just take a few handfuls of word manets, flip over a prompt card, and start playin - no lon instructions to explain.
A creative twist on party ames. Ransom notes isn’t just a play a card, jude picks the party ame - players are constantly ena in creative, out-of-the-box thinkin that will have you cryin from lauhin.
Ransom Notes: Expansion Pack makes Ransom Notes bier, better, wilder!

Ready to make Ransom Notes even better? We've desin this Ransom Notes expansion to brin a whole new level of terrible sentence-makin to your table.
Pack with nearly 200 brand new prompt cards, from "Explain a vasectomy" to "Write a cheer for your hih school chess team," you'll also et 120 new handpick words to make your sentences even weirder.
Plus, Ransom Notes with more friends is more fun - four additional manet trays let you play with roups of up to 10 people!

Charty Party - The All Aes ition - Mathematically Humorous ame Puns of Anahy - The Outraeous Pun-Makin ame Add to Cart
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er Reviews 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.6 out of 5 stars
Price $19.99$19.99 $24.99$24.99 More party ames from Very Special ames: This is a hilarious ame for smart people! It combines mathematically questionable charts and absurd humor into a fast-pac, easy-to-learn party ame. One of the most witty and quirky party ames that’s lauh-out-loud unique every time you play. No famous bands or movies are safe from becomin hilarious puns.

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